That Coveted Rookie Card

8 thoughts on “That Coveted Rookie Card”

  1. my comic cards, comic boks and one incomplege nolan ryvan set shared, borrowed, lost, mostly just stolen but at least i got the few comic books i could afford later that i bought. i never cared much about averages as physics has a more sliding scale of averages and applying things in a more network marketing sales realize the grapevine travels exponentially of gossip and sales that averages some how expands infinitely and at which point living becomes more adventrous seeking to uyse skills and talents in some place that is hireing and enjoy until their competition francises and puts that place out of business taht it takes a military and federal agences to protect the francishess and ypou wonder… about their network marketing to be about to place small business out of business and then buy all the housing and then find cheaper label and then use politics to pay for the housing to justify cheaper labor and then what…. the rich gets richer and the poor poorer and the rich can mock at their slave labor at ridiculous cost and then segegrate the population to what… but perhaps i should blog this myself… thanks for the blog post happy bloggingn and creating inspiration

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