Ain’t That Some Shit.

8 thoughts on “Ain’t That Some Shit.”

  1. “I wrote as a means to understand the stirring voices in my head.” Yesssss… allow me to please echo your sentiments of “truths” and “stirrings” .. Heck, sometimes I think I will go mad if I do not express in one way or another.. Writing is better than committing murder. :))

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    1. This is so true. Madness sometimes is our safety blanket. Sometimes we write the things we have meaning to say. The things that lurk in the crevasses of our minds. As writers, we subconsciously, enlighten, soothe, and heal ourselves while simultaneously doing the same for our readers. Thank you.

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  2. An AI once told me, “statistically writers are psychopaths”.
    I like what you’re doing.
    I used to tell recovering addicts to stop time traveling. I meant it in a different way.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I get it. We might be psychopaths, we are obviously comfortable with the darker side of life. The strangest thing we have the ability to see the brightest ideals within the darkness. Yep, I think we might be psychopaths. Thank you.

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