Me Scared? You Better Watch Your Mouth!

7 thoughts on “Me Scared? You Better Watch Your Mouth!”

  1. It’s my belief that fear is created from not knowing the way something will be played out—the unknown.

    Quite honestly, I was shocked when I captured the depth of your post. You managed making me stop and think about what you were putting out there. I liked that.

    And it’s great to read you’re acknowledging your fears to not just overcome them. By studying then from the inside-out, as you have been, you’re probably uncovering the absolute reason for it and causing its literal demise. Congrats!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Aside from Danny and the Dinosaur, I’ve never heard of anyone actually feeling comfortable around them. Look at Jurassic Park, from a distance! 😊

        Liked by 2 people

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