Ask me a Real Question

3 thoughts on “Ask me a Real Question”

  1. I love that little tidbit about Hedy Lamarr! I think I first heard about it back when I was pursuing my IT degree. Glad to know I’m not the only one fascinated by tech history.

    And yes, someone should definitely rename one of the AI helpers Ada (or create a new one). At least she’s got a programming language named after her.

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    1. Yes, tech history is fascinating. I love it. Most history really. I’m kinda weird that way. I forgot about the programming language. Thanks for reminder. I appreciate you coming by and chatting a bit.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. You would be outraged by the things they are doing here in our public school system. They have dismantled programs that were stimulating graduation rates because they were teaching history with a “minority-led slant” (really, they were just teaching full-perspective history), and are too busy banning books to actually teach students to read. We have so many problems getting students to show up that the administration spends most of their time tracking down our kids. As an educator, I’m in the midst of a battle that I fear may only get worse if the upcoming election goes to the tangerine-tinted felon with the cotton candy toupee on his head. (I cannot believe that we are facing him on the ballot a third time. How the f*ck did we get here?!?!)


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