Truthful Tuesday – 06112024

10 thoughts on “Truthful Tuesday – 06112024”

  1. When it comes to The Bone Collector, I haven’t read the book as of yet, but I have seen the movie, and I thought it was decent. But now, I feel as though I must push the book up in priority and try to find the TV series.

    Currently, I’m reading The Enigma of Room 622 by Joël Dicker, and so far it seems like it might make a decent miniseries.

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  2. 😂 I, too, found it so much easier to bitch about adaptations until I started studying screenplay writing in school. Once you’ve tried to adapt a literary work yourself, you find it much harder to knock those who’ve failed spectacularly at adapting literature for the screen; but, you also gain a much deeper appreciation for those who do it well.

    And really? Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man?! Kudos on your brave lunacy, my friend. 🥳

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  3. One TV series that I’ve been avidly watching is ‘Tokyo Vice’ (The second series ended this week). It’s about the Japanese mafia gangs doing battle with each other as well as the police and press. The dialog was half English and half Japanese.

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  4. My husband started pressuring me to write screenplays, so I gave it a try. Just writing a short 10 page script to enter into a short script contest was hard. Although I got positive feedback on it, there are so many petty rules to follow in formatting a script!

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