I Remember SkyNet

8 thoughts on “I Remember SkyNet”

  1. I tend to agree with you about using AI for creative purposes, and have said nearly the same on my blog, though I must admit that for this year’s NaPoWriMo, I did use AI-generated images for some of the graphics. I did this when I couldn’t find a free image that fit what I wanted. I did try to keep it to a minimum, and only 9 of the 31 poems have an AI image that I specifically generated. This was mainly the fault of my budget (or lack thereof) preventing the use of anything that would’ve cost money, but also, time constraints prevented me from doing the artwork myself.

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    1. I’m chuckling about the time and budget constraints. It seems to be a common theme globally these days. I remember one of the hardest parts of writing poetry is finding the right graphic for your words. It took longer the find the graphic than to write and edit the poem … madness. I eventually went back to fiction and prose. With all the copyrighting issues on art we hae to be carefully about images used on the web. Well over a decade ago, we were bandits guns blazing snatching what we wanted. That was good and fine until people started snatching yours. Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

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