
PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS I feel like writing today. There have been so many days where I didn’t feel it, but wrote anyway. I can’t explain or put my finger on the difference. I’m unsure if I need to or if it’s all that important. What’s important to me right now is that I’m feeling … Continue reading Skywriting103020231900

Skywriting – 102120231733

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS It’s been a long week; I wasn’t sure I would make it. Work wasn’t particularly stressful, but I struggled mentally to get through it. I had a photoshoot yesterday, and I’d forgotten how physically taxing photoshoots can be. It was an open area shoot of a fantastic community event. I felt … Continue reading Skywriting – 102120231733

Skywriting – 101720231326

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS Sometimes, the day just sucks. That’s how it is. No amount of positive affirmations can wipe away the stench of the day. Politics instead of actually doing something that matters. We can’t actually help some one. We play the role of helping and wait for the smiles of gratitude for your … Continue reading Skywriting – 101720231326