Morning Glow

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – THURSDAY INSPIRATION – SHORT FICTION She sips her coffee, thinking about her first great love—that love she could never talk about—the love that fills her with joy and pain all at once. The joy is knowing what love truly is, not that stuff you read in romance novels or movies. Pain, well, … Continue reading Morning Glow

6th Avenue Heartbreak

SHORT FICTION Manu Jenkins and Maury Lawrance faced off back in the 1950s. This face-off changed how things were at The Paradise drive-in. Manu Jenkins, “Jinxy” people called him, and Maury weren’t gang members, just guys who couldn’t back down. Only to find themselves in a situation that lasted a lifetime. This face-off leads to … Continue reading 6th Avenue Heartbreak

Poetry & Blueberry Pancakes

SHORT FICTION It’s Saturday morning, and I’m sleeping in, although I really need it after waiting until the last minute to write an article. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to go back to sleep, but the aroma of freshly brewed Colombian coffee and blueberry pancakes tickles my nostrils. I smile, feeling content. I love … Continue reading Poetry & Blueberry Pancakes