Is it Really that Simple?

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT For months, I’ve refused to acknowledge ownership of the feral cats in my house. Yes, I realize what I just said, allow me to explain. It happened several months ago when one showed up pregnant looking all cuddly and whatnot. There is a considerable amount more to the story and I … Continue reading Is it Really that Simple?

Pulling the Pen

SHORT FICTION – PROSE/LIGHT RANT Harold Shea is an ordinary fellow, as fellows go. He has no grand stories about this girl or that girl. He is a simple chap who eats tuna on toasted rye. Harold and I are clerks at the Ministry of Useless Facts and Random Memories. A person becomes a clerk … Continue reading Pulling the Pen

A Moment of Desperation

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT Perhaps I’ve reached an all-time low. I spent considerable time sending out a barrage of inbox marriage proposals. In these proposals, I removed the obligation of sex, hoping to sweeten the pot. I figured taking sex off the table would increase the number of acceptance. I figured surely one of these … Continue reading A Moment of Desperation