Afternoon Vinyl – 05252024

PROSE – REFLECTION I had an interest conversation yesterday with my editor. Now, we typically have interesting conversation, but this one in particular struck a cord with me. She is a Elvis fan as are many worldwide. However, I really never sat down and talked to her about Elvis. Although, I’m familiar with some of … Continue reading Afternoon Vinyl – 05252024

Taking Care of Business

What could you do more of? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT As thinking about this prompt, I keep coming back to central idea I have used for most of life. “Take Care of Business” However, today it takes on new meaning. I spent a tremendous amount of time worrying about taking care of the needs of … Continue reading Taking Care of Business

Where do I Begin?

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life. PROSE – INTROSPECTION If you are like me, when reading this prompt, you’re which pearl of wisdom to drop. What insight makes the city today. There are so many to use from. I think it changes depending on what’s happening in a person’s life. … Continue reading Where do I Begin?