REBLOG: Why Do You Write?

REBLOG: WITH A RESPONSE TO THE POST I was overvisiting Anita’s blog, catching up on my reading. I’m so far behind. I came across two of her posts concerning writing. This particular blog post struck a nerve. I’ve been considering retiring from the workforce and packing up my truck, camera, cat, and grandson to shoot … Continue reading REBLOG: Why Do You Write?

REBLOG: The Rise and Fall of Solomon – Wisdom In All Things

Currently, I was research for an essay discussing wisdom and humanity and I came across this lovely article discussing King Solomon. Give it a read. The rise and fall of Solomon centers on how a divided heart can destroy a kingdom. Only God’s ways result in God’s desired outcomes. — Read on Continue reading REBLOG: The Rise and Fall of Solomon – Wisdom In All Things

REBLOG: N.J. wrongly forces people with developmental disabilities into nursing homes, scathing report says –

This makes no sense… definitely not a solution N.J. wrongly forces people with developmental disabilities into nursing homes, scathing report says – — Read on Continue reading REBLOG: N.J. wrongly forces people with developmental disabilities into nursing homes, scathing report says –

REBLOG: How to Achieve Stillness of Mind: “Finding Peace and Clarity”

As a general rule, I’ve found achieving a state of stillness of one’s mind to be quite beneficial in numerous regards. Here we a post discussing a few techniques. In our busy lives, it is difficult to find moments of peace and clarity. Our minds are constantly racing, and it is hard to quiet them … Continue reading REBLOG: How to Achieve Stillness of Mind: “Finding Peace and Clarity”

REBLOG: Natural Herb Kratom May Have Therapeutic Effects And Relatively Low Potential For Abuse Or Harm, According To A User Survey

Natural Herb Kratom May Have Therapeutic Effects And Relatively Low Potential For Abuse Or Harm, According To A User Survey — Read on Continue reading REBLOG: Natural Herb Kratom May Have Therapeutic Effects And Relatively Low Potential For Abuse Or Harm, According To A User Survey

REBLOG: A Writer’s Path – 3 Things to Do When You Can’t Use Your Favorite Writing Style

As long-time readers of this site probably know, I’ve been dabbling with longer writing projects over the past year or so. Well, after an attempt at writing a sci-fi horror thriller novel failed at about 21,000 words into the story, I tried to work out what had gone wrong. What had turned this fascinating project […] … Continue reading REBLOG: A Writer’s Path – 3 Things to Do When You Can’t Use Your Favorite Writing Style

REBLOG: ElisLunaSol’s 5 ways to celebrate your Mother on Mother’s Day if she has transitioned.

With Mother’s Day this upcoming Sunday, my feels are already high! Like every year, I plan to celebrate my Mother in a handfull of ways. As I narrowed down the options, I thought of all the people across the world that would welcome the national holiday without their Momma in the physical realm. It’s hard […] … Continue reading REBLOG: ElisLunaSol’s 5 ways to celebrate your Mother on Mother’s Day if she has transitioned.

REBLOG: Self-Mental Checkup: Prioritizing Your Mental Well-Being at Home —

Taking care of your mental well-being is essential for leading a healthy and fulfilling life. While professional mental health support is crucial, there are steps you can take to monitor and promote your mental health from the comfort of your own home. In this article, we will explore a self-mental checkup, a series of practices […] … Continue reading REBLOG: Self-Mental Checkup: Prioritizing Your Mental Well-Being at Home —