Willow Creek

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – RDP SUNDAY – FICTION Mabel McGee lived in the quiet town of Willow Creek in a quaint cottage that seemed to hold more memories than objects. To the townsfolk, she was known as the elderly woman with a penchant for mixing up dates and events, often speaking of historical happenings as if … Continue reading Willow Creek

Julian’s Truth

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – FICTION Here is my response to RDP’s Daily Prompt – Lithe In the heart of a bustling city park, where children’s laughter mingled with the melodious chirping of birds, sat a man named Julian. He was a solitary figure amidst the vibrant chaos, a contemplative soul who found peace in the art … Continue reading Julian’s Truth

RDP Monday: Women with Grit

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – PROSE: RDP/WORD OF THE DAY In the tapestry of human endeavor, threads shimmer with unyielding tenacity woven from the fiber of women with grit. These women, from varied walks of life and corners of the earth, share a common trait—a relentless fortitude that propels them through adversity, enabling them to emerge not … Continue reading RDP Monday: Women with Grit

RDP – Monday -02262024

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – PROSE/FICTION Here is my response to RDP’s Trifling A quaint village nestled between rolling hills and whispering woods lived a trifling spirit named Elara. Mischievous and light-hearted, she danced through the villagers’ lives like a playful breeze, her presence barely more substantial than a fleeting shadow. With a penchant for harmless pranks, … Continue reading RDP – Monday -02262024

RDP Thursday – 02292024

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – PROSE Here is my response to RDP’s prompt: Shattered In the pale moonlight, the world seemed ethereal, yet a profound silence pervaded the air, perforated by the echo of distant footsteps. A mosaic of shattered hopes now lay among the ruins of a forgotten city where dreams once flourished. The remnants of … Continue reading RDP Thursday – 02292024

RDP Saturday – Shoots

CHALLENGE RESPONSE Here is my response to RDP’s Shoots A toddler unleashes a shriek of glee as he shoots past an elderly gentleman with his unsure footing. He balances himself with his tiny arms outstretched. He giggles a little more with each step. We stand silently, watching him go. My soul churned in the warmth … Continue reading RDP Saturday – Shoots

RDP – Tuesday – 02272024

CHALLENGE RESPONSE Here is my response to RDP’s prompt: Ink There’s a thud as my quill hits the desk. My inkwell unleashes a howl mixed with desperation and relief. It’s a little beside itself because I haven’t written anything of note in months. My eyes burn from what was supposed to be all-nighter, but really … Continue reading RDP – Tuesday – 02272024

RDP – Friday – Time

Here is my response to today’s Ragtag Daily Prompt – Time POETRY Time Sitting within the wondering of unknown destiny.Riding the waves of the abyss of sorrow.Like the sands of the hourglass, the moments of a promiselesstomorrow slip away But… Have you heard the news today? Our kinsmen… Our brethren… Has passed away Not of … Continue reading RDP – Friday – Time

RDP – Thursday

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – FICTION My response to RDP – Thursday – bamboozle The Grand Bamboozle A spry little man named Barkan lived in the serpentine alleys of the ancient city of Khazan, notorious for its labyrinthine streets and enigmatic inhabitants. Barkan was not your average resident. He was a trickster, a master of bamboozles, and … Continue reading RDP – Thursday

RDP Tuesday – 12122023

PROSE My response to RDP – Tuesday prompt: Comedy Perhaps it’s the absurdity of the sign. Are we to believe this man will actually pay for Karate lessons? Perhaps, on some measures, we respect his creativity. I’m reminded of a conversation I had with a panhandler. He approached me slowly, which put me on guard. … Continue reading RDP Tuesday – 12122023

RDP Sunday – 11052023

PHOTOGRAPHY Theme: Motion I’ve always had difficulty capturing motion in stills. Perhaps, this may be an underline reason I chose to work into with video. However, I can’t conceal my work love for still photography. Often, I look for ways to incorporate the two mediums. However, every now and then I get lucky and capture … Continue reading RDP Sunday – 11052023

RDP – Wednesday – 10252023

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR PROMPT ARCHITECTURE Most daily prompts I typically write something, but this week I think I’m do mainly photo responses. Lately, I’ve been exploring the different strategies when comes to editing photos. I’m attempting to discover how to make an ordinary object pop. I realize something’s have zero pop, but it’s fun to … Continue reading RDP – Wednesday – 10252023

I Wonder What It Is ?

PROSE – RDP CHALLENGE/ PHOTOGRAPHY I have always heard there’s a reason for everything. I always viewed as one of those things people say when don’t anything better to say. For a lot of folks that atitude is perfectly fine. The necessity to drive deeper into an issue or situation isn’t a requirement and there’s … Continue reading I Wonder What It Is ?