What would I do for Free?

What job would you do for free? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE A Writer The unfinished projects have formed a pile. Ideas, rants, and incoherent sentences fester. Sometimes I wonder what Goofball gave me the idea to become a writer. Where the hell are they at? I need to hunt them down wherever they may cleverly hide. … Continue reading What would I do for Free?


Will you remember me when your famous?  It is so lovely for you to say so, but I know that you wont.  To be honest, I would probably forget me too.  So experience, conquer, and live shamelessly.  You see I know that I am nothing more than…. A whisper of a stranger  A smile from … Continue reading Armonia

Decisions, Decisions

Dogs or cats? PROSE – RANT I’ve seen or heard this question asked numerous times over my lifetime. To be honest, I really never understood the question. The question itself is easy enough. It’s simply one or the other, right? I suppose the issue I’m having is me. My inability to withstand their adorableness. Is … Continue reading Decisions, Decisions

Pulling the Pen

SHORT FICTION – PROSE/LIGHT RANT Harold Shea is an ordinary fellow, as fellows go. He has no grand stories about this girl or that girl. He is a simple chap who eats tuna on toasted rye. Harold and I are clerks at the Ministry of Useless Facts and Random Memories. A person becomes a clerk … Continue reading Pulling the Pen


PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS/RANT The hush of darkness had begun to settle. Night whispers were yawning. They were a bit cranky, as if they didn’t get enough sleep. It was the same amount they got yesterday and the same amount tomorrow. They always got this much this time of year. The mixture of burning cedar … Continue reading Prisonless

Can You Dig It?

What do you do to be involved in the community? When it comes to being involved in community it boils down to this We our brothers and sisters in the struggle; doing with what we can to stand above the churn. The churn gives not one iota, who you are, where you come from, nor … Continue reading Can You Dig It?


The pulsing glow fades on your monitor. Closing the door is one’s outlet, one’s portal, or means to escape. Escaping the insanity that is sometimes right outside your front door. Sometimes, right there in your living room, sitting on your couch looking crazy, talking about some “what?” Thinking back, one would take a walk, read … Continue reading Archaic

Public Service Announcement:

Upcoming Changes to the Mangus Khan Universe: Java & Verse About a decade ago, while doing writer’s workshops, I introduced a segment entitled Java & Verse. Java & Verse was designed to be a place where I discussed my opinion about different types of writing. Mainly, I reviewed and offered commentary on the different styles … Continue reading Public Service Announcement:

Lost in Paradise

PROSE – Random Thoughts of Self-Doubt My stirring settles as my eyes fall upon you. Emptiness has slowly crept into me, filling me chamber by chamber. Then, it is whisked away like a leaf in a morning breeze. The frustration built within these moments melts away. The yearning for the need to be near you; … Continue reading Lost in Paradise

Closed Blinds

POETRY – MINDFULNESS With a push of a button, the television screen goes blank, removing that annoying hum that fills our homes for the better part of the day. A hum we seldom realize exists until it has gone. Then, finally, we notice how peaceful your life has just become. I sat down by my … Continue reading Closed Blinds

A Rant to myself

Is there anybody in there? Let us start with a bit of honesty. As they say, it allows us to begin on the right foot. I am a writer, one that cannot stand public speaking. I understand its importance, as well as I understand the need for it. However, I need help to see its … Continue reading A Rant to myself