
The pulsing glow fades on your monitor. Closing the door is one’s outlet, one’s portal, or means to escape. Escaping the insanity that is sometimes right outside your front door. Sometimes, right there in your living room, sitting on your couch looking crazy, talking about some “what?” Thinking back, one would take a walk, read … Continue reading Archaic

Java & Verse #3

Thoughts on the Craft: The Simple Truth about Writing Five years ago, my production team and I were discussing the direction of our current project. The crew caught the Ole` man on film running my mouth. When I updated this blog, they reminded me of this conversation. So I picked a few key points to … Continue reading Java & Verse #3

Who am I?

POETRY – CHALLENGE I am cryptic and true I wonder about the heart of man I hear the chants of the damnedI see into the soul of man I want a piece of mind  I am cryptic and true I pretend to be shameless and unwaveringI feel the pain of each breathI touch the unseen scars. I worry about my … Continue reading Who am I?

Truth be Told…

Prose – Introspective Truth be told, it was never about going to some show. It was about seeing your gorgeous smile and feeling those arms wrapped around me. It’s been a long couple of weeks, and they feel so good. I want to scream in the anguish of missing them, missing you, but these lips … Continue reading Truth be Told…

A Moment of Desperation

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT Perhaps I’ve reached an all-time low. I spent considerable time sending out a barrage of inbox marriage proposals. In these proposals, I removed the obligation of sex, hoping to sweeten the pot. I figured taking sex off the table would increase the number of acceptance. I figured surely one of these … Continue reading A Moment of Desperation

REBLOG: A simple smile.

Never forget to do more of what makes you smile. Smiling is so important for your overall health and well being. Even if it’s as simple as acting … A simple smile. It doesn’t a tremendous effort to make a difference or effect change. This is certainly what this piece writing has done for me … Continue reading REBLOG: A simple smile.

Spring’s Song

POETRY – Nature Listening to the song of the trees, and birds chirping in unison,the sun shines brightly as nature acrobat jumps from limb to limb.So green is the butter’s cup, from the earth they erupt.So some are moved, awaiting the next birth.The juice from the freshly plucked lemon I nurse.Finally, in this stage of … Continue reading Spring’s Song


POETRY – INTROSPECTIVE Reflecting no lightdark as pitchdarker than the nightwithin you, many feel fright you’re so empty.Yet, so full So bold…yet, so cold… so beautifulyesso colorful Continue reading Black

Lost in Paradise

PROSE – Random Thoughts of Self-Doubt My stirring settles as my eyes fall upon you. Emptiness has slowly crept into me, filling me chamber by chamber. Then, it is whisked away like a leaf in a morning breeze. The frustration built within these moments melts away. The yearning for the need to be near you; … Continue reading Lost in Paradise

Paper Mache

PROSE – Morning writing exercise I’m the ideal man who knows the right things to say and whose touch is just right, not too hard or soft. Women close their eyes and envision the tenderest of moments. I know what they need in every instance, every situation, or every fantasy. There is the only thing … Continue reading Paper Mache

Random Thought #1

PROSE – RANT Why are the words written for ourselves so much better than those we write for others? They seem to possess the beauty of the depth of the blackest night. They are so sweet, so tangy. Their taste lingers in our mouths. Our thoughts race, taking us to some unchartered place. A mythical … Continue reading Random Thought #1

8 am

Though it’s fading, the night hangs on a bit longer before surrendering to the dawn. The air is still, but there is a chill to it. It’s a subtle one by the feel; those are the worse. They creep up on you. Slowly, coaxing every inch of your body into a shiver. You finish your … Continue reading 8 am


POETRY From across the room, I become mesmerized by her gaze. A gaze that rendered me spellbound and speechless. I stared intensely at her captivating walk, she really knew how to work it. As she passed by me, with a glance over her shoulder and a slight eyelash flutter. Slowly I exhaled, followed by a … Continue reading Flirt