Defense of Poetry

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT To defend poetry effectively, we must first address a fundamental question: what is poetry? Only by answering this can we adequately defend it. My initial observation is that poetry itself requires no defense; it is the expression of poetry that sometimes needs defending. This notion may be provocative to some poets … Continue reading Defense of Poetry

Morning Glow

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – THURSDAY INSPIRATION – SHORT FICTION She sips her coffee, thinking about her first great love—that love she could never talk about—the love that fills her with joy and pain all at once. The joy is knowing what love truly is, not that stuff you read in romance novels or movies. Pain, well, … Continue reading Morning Glow

The Juggling Clown Show

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – TTC M#721 Today, I wanted to do something a little different, so I decided to play around with AI. Here is the result I came up with for the challenge. First, I used a text prompt to generate an image that depicted the three challenge words: ClownCrowdCitrus Next, I took the above … Continue reading The Juggling Clown Show

Cinematic Gold

REFLECTION – RANDOM THOUGHTS Typically, when comes to film adaptations, we got two categories: “Oh my god that was horrible! The book is so much better!” “Can you believe they did that? That’s not in the book!” The majority of the film adaptation I’ve seen into these categories. I’m a huge Shawshank Redemption fan. I … Continue reading Cinematic Gold

Squeeze Me

Where would you go on a shopping spree? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Shopping Sprees? I’m bold, daring, and a tad bit reckless. Slinging money left and right. Yep, that’s me. Three places I make it rain at. Amazon, local used bookstore, and local used record shop. I know it’s crazy, and I need to contain myself. … Continue reading Squeeze Me

Ode to My Addiction

POETRY – RANDOM THOUGHTS Peering out from under the crevasses of my splintered psyche,Still riding a euphoric high from about That Night,Collaborative expressions have put my hypothalamus into overdrive.My serotonin overflowing Yeah… swaying to that lyrical grove, high on 1000cc of that poetic shit… Leaning back in my chairPulling up my sleeve,Applying the tourniquetTap, tap, … Continue reading Ode to My Addiction

But, Of Course

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I have several collections of various things that captured my interest over the years. I could go on about my book, music, or my hard drives filled with unsorted data to be used at some unspecified time. No data is bad data. However, I have a collection that may be a tad … Continue reading But, Of Course

What would I do for Free?

What job would you do for free? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE A Writer The unfinished projects have formed a pile. Ideas, rants, and incoherent sentences fester. Sometimes I wonder what Goofball gave me the idea to become a writer. Where the hell are they at? I need to hunt them down wherever they may cleverly hide. … Continue reading What would I do for Free?

Questions Like These…

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Questions like these make me roll my eyes and shake my head. It seems like the next thing they will be asking is, “What does it all mean?” What’s my place in the world?” And more nonsense questions. I have this attitude because it is the decisions we make that cause us … Continue reading Questions Like These…

Perception is our Reality

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a writer of a certain age, I spend time thinking about the past for several reasons. Sometimes, things that happened in the past make interesting ideas that may form a basis for a story. Other times they may lend an expected scene. Typically, I use the past in the following areas … Continue reading Perception is our Reality

Good Stroll

What are your favorite physical activities or exercises? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE There is nothing like taking a walk. I would add cigarettes and coffee to the mi, but that would only dimish the benefits. I was poor as a child, we had two ways to get anywhere; walking or riding your bike. In some cases, … Continue reading Good Stroll

RDP Tuesday – 12122023

PROSE My response to RDP – Tuesday prompt: Comedy Perhaps it’s the absurdity of the sign. Are we to believe this man will actually pay for Karate lessons? Perhaps, on some measures, we respect his creativity. I’m reminded of a conversation I had with a panhandler. He approached me slowly, which put me on guard. … Continue reading RDP Tuesday – 12122023

Home on the Range

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE This isn’t a hard question for me. I would love to live somewhere in the woods. As long as I had wifi. The first places that come to mind are Montana & Wyoming. I spent time in both of these … Continue reading Home on the Range


PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS I feel like writing today. There have been so many days where I didn’t feel it, but wrote anyway. I can’t explain or put my finger on the difference. I’m unsure if I need to or if it’s all that important. What’s important to me right now is that I’m feeling … Continue reading Skywriting103020231900

The Muse

POETRY – FREEVERSE Along the coast of the isle, I awaitI’m awaiting the one who is heard but rarely seen.His guidance, his vision, is what soothes me. Thundering huffs of his steed surround meThrough the mist, I catch a glimpse of his armorMy heart pounds in anticipation of asking the question Opening my eyes, I … Continue reading The Muse

Bedlam & Mayhem

What major historical events do you remember? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE The longer you live the more things you remember. There are many historical events that stand out in my mind. It’s hard to choose which ones to talk about. So, I’ve decided to discuss a few that impacted my life. These events made me stop … Continue reading Bedlam & Mayhem

Baby Steps

What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE It’s interesting how something just pops up. As if the universe has something to tell you. “Psst, come here, buddy. I won’t bite.” In such cases, the universe represents that crush you never dared to speak … Continue reading Baby Steps

Ain’t That Some Shit.

What do you enjoy most about writing? PROSE – REFLECTIONS I can’t remember why I started this. I can’t see where it was supposed to go. I know there was reason, a pretty good I’m sure. I probably crafted some clever dialogue to explain my actions if someone were to ask. No one did. I … Continue reading Ain’t That Some Shit.

Whispers of the Dark #12

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS I sighed heavily as I sat down to partake in a meal scarcely worth the coin. This meal is just another example of something we have little control over. I was eating because you’re supposed to, not because I was hungry. We are creatures of habit, products of routine, drones of … Continue reading Whispers of the Dark #12

Kiss the Girls for Me

PROSE – REFLECTION/INTROSPECTION For most of my children’s lives, I was a soldier doing what was required for God and country. Because of this fact, I’ve always felt they didn’t have the father they deserved. This feeling didn’t stop there. I also felt their mother should have picked a better man to build a family. … Continue reading Kiss the Girls for Me

Party in the Streets

What do you love about where you live? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS The thing I love about my neighborhood is the sense of community. Everyone is struggling in one way or another, but somehow, we come together in times of need. Today, I witnessed a local church hand out school supplies to its members. Sometimes, … Continue reading Party in the Streets

Is it Really that Simple?

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT For months, I’ve refused to acknowledge ownership of the feral cats in my house. Yes, I realize what I just said, allow me to explain. It happened several months ago when one showed up pregnant looking all cuddly and whatnot. There is a considerable amount more to the story and I … Continue reading Is it Really that Simple?

In the Wee Hours #6

POETRY – RANDOM THOUGHTS Last night I dreamt of the innocence of writingbefore the hoopla, deadlines, word counts, etc.,when we hurriedly crafted sentencesin chalk on sidewalks before they got washed away in the rain.Good luck today;write clean, true, & honest ….it’s 5 am ~thank you for reading~ Continue reading In the Wee Hours #6

My Monster Side

What could you let go of, for the sake of harmony? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT/ DAILY PROMPT I constantly think the monster I reside within is in control of every decision I make. I’m aware this doesn’t make sense to most, but I will my best to have make sense. Before I’ve blogged about being … Continue reading My Monster Side

In the Wee Hours #3

POETRY – RANDOM THOUGHTS The lights flickered, and the room is chilled. I resist an urge to shiver. A wraith from the hollows appears. Wraith: “Come” Me:” Can we talk” A portal opens. Me:” Crap” Good luck, everyone!… I step through the portal … it’s 5 am ~thank you for reading~ Continue reading In the Wee Hours #3

Eastbound and Down

How do you practice self-care? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT There is something about taking a drive. A full tank of gas packed lunch, and your camera and notebook. It’s a sense of freedom; at least, that’s the phrase I’ll use as I sit here talking to you. I suppose it’s as good as any, to … Continue reading Eastbound and Down

ahh, come again?

If humans had taglines, what would yours be? I wasn’t exactly sure what taglines meant. I looked it up and discovered it means catchphrase or slogan. Huh, ain’t that something. So I asked a few friends what they would consider to be my catchphrase. Of course, when you involve humans everything becomes more complicated than … Continue reading ahh, come again?

Well, Let me See?

What are the most important things needed to live a good life? When it comes to living a good life, there’s really no correct answer to that question. It’s really a subjective matter that depends on the individual. Each individual defines what they consider a good life and what it takes to live it. It … Continue reading Well, Let me See?


PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS/RANT The hush of darkness had begun to settle. Night whispers were yawning. They were a bit cranky, as if they didn’t get enough sleep. It was the same amount they got yesterday and the same amount tomorrow. They always got this much this time of year. The mixture of burning cedar … Continue reading Prisonless

Can You Dig It?

What do you do to be involved in the community? When it comes to being involved in community it boils down to this We our brothers and sisters in the struggle; doing with what we can to stand above the churn. The churn gives not one iota, who you are, where you come from, nor … Continue reading Can You Dig It?