I Remember SkyNet

PHOTOGRAPHY – CHALLENGE-RESPONSE This post is my response to Lens Artists Challenge 301,303,302, and 304. I begin this post with a poem by Emily Dickinson because I believe it sets the groundwork for our discussion. When it comes to artificial intelligence, conversations often spiral out of control. This isn’t the fault of the debaters; rather, … Continue reading I Remember SkyNet

Morning Glow

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – THURSDAY INSPIRATION – SHORT FICTION She sips her coffee, thinking about her first great love—that love she could never talk about—the love that fills her with joy and pain all at once. The joy is knowing what love truly is, not that stuff you read in romance novels or movies. Pain, well, … Continue reading Morning Glow

Grazing in the Grass

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – COSMIC PHOTO CHALLENGE When I found these photos, I had chucked them up as a loss. There wasn’t anything I was going to use them for. I’m surprised I hadn’t deleted them. Then, this morning I saw this challenge and remembered I had these shots. Continue reading Grazing in the Grass

It’s In The Eyes

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – ONE WORD SUNDAY Three Most of the time, my brothers and I don’t have any problems. We deal with the normal issues in this strange, cryptic thing called life. However, from time to time, an asshat appears out of nowhere. It’s almost like they waiting in the shadows for the precise moment … Continue reading It’s In The Eyes

CFFC – 05082024

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR My response to Cee’s CMMC – Macro Close up I enjoy taking two types of photos more than any other composition; candids and close-ups. In these photos are close-ups of a project my brother worked on last fall. He was working on a fuel tank for a motorcycle. I kept getting in … Continue reading CFFC – 05082024

Macro Monday – 05062024

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR One of things I enjoy about photography is the ability to make the mundane into something interesting. Well, it works out that way sometimes. I compare it writing. Sometimes you just can’t get a sentence the way you want. Or you write this complicated sentence when a simple will do just fine. … Continue reading Macro Monday – 05062024

CMMC – February

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR Here is my response to Cee’s Photo Challenge – CMMC’s X & W – February Over the last several weeks, I have been playing catch-up. Since retiring, I’ve sat back and enjoyed the wonderful world of blogging. I don’t have to tell you about the fantastic posts from around the world. When … Continue reading CMMC – February

I Couldn’t Resist

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I’ve more time behind the wheel than any other mode of transportation. Driving has always relaxed me. I prefer driving alone to think in peace, but I’m not opposed to traveling with someone else. I’ve developed some of my best … Continue reading I Couldn’t Resist

Can’t Stand The Rain

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Despite the title, the rain is my favorite type of weather. I never understood why people ran from the rain but spent hours in the shower over a lifetime. They swim laps, surf, and waterski, yet the first raindrops they beat feet for shelter. Trust me, I’m not making fun of anyone. … Continue reading Can’t Stand The Rain

RDP Monday: Women with Grit

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – PROSE: RDP/WORD OF THE DAY In the tapestry of human endeavor, threads shimmer with unyielding tenacity woven from the fiber of women with grit. These women, from varied walks of life and corners of the earth, share a common trait—a relentless fortitude that propels them through adversity, enabling them to emerge not … Continue reading RDP Monday: Women with Grit

The Essential’s

What are three objects you couldn’t live without? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE If I’m being honest, there are far too many I would hate to give up. I guess I’ve got soft over the years. However, if I absolutely had these three items I couldn’t live without. 1. Coffee – I don’t care about the garbage … Continue reading The Essential’s

RDP Saturday – Shoots

CHALLENGE RESPONSE Here is my response to RDP’s Shoots A toddler unleashes a shriek of glee as he shoots past an elderly gentleman with his unsure footing. He balances himself with his tiny arms outstretched. He giggles a little more with each step. We stand silently, watching him go. My soul churned in the warmth … Continue reading RDP Saturday – Shoots

Monochrome Thursday

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME I captured this shot a few years ago. What’s cool is that, as I’ve been sorting my old photos I’ve found several images I had forgotten about. Hopefully, in a few weeks I will be strong enough to do a nature photo shoot. Continue reading Monochrome Thursday

Monochrome Wednesday

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME CARMINE EFFECT I’ve been playing around with Photoshop Express again. Today, I discovered something called the Carmine Effect. So, I applied to a couple of photos to see what happens. Here are the results It came out pretty well in the top photo but not so much in the second photo. I … Continue reading Monochrome Wednesday

A Little Help From My Friends – My Favorites Photos from 2023 –

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR/MONOCHROME My relationship with photography is relatively new. Before 2023, I didn’t consider processing and sharing my work. I’ve enjoyed photography for years, but it has always been my private passion. I have professional photographers in my family and consider my contribution to the art to be rudimentary at best. I’m my own … Continue reading A Little Help From My Friends – My Favorites Photos from 2023 –

FOTD – Bearded Iris

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR Participating in this challenge last year, I actually learned the names of a few flowers. I’ve been organizing my photos and found a few archived photos of the bearded iris that grows in my front yard. I find this flower interesting because it just showed up one year. I didn’t plant it … Continue reading FOTD – Bearded Iris

America’s Favorite Pastime

If you started a sports team, what would the colors and mascot be? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a child, I remember watching baseball on television with my mother. I didn’t understand what I was watching, but I enjoyed my mother’s excitement as she watched her beloved “Cubbies.” However, the idea of playing the sport never … Continue reading America’s Favorite Pastime


How are you creative? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Although I have been writing and drawing since I was a kid, I never really considered myself to be creative. This isn’t because I wasn’t encouraged or anything like that. It’s partly because I was surrounded by very talented people. I just didn’t consider my work good enough … Continue reading Writing