Fire in the Clouds

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR CLOUDS I know clouds can’t be on fire, but the reflection is epic. It reminded me of sitting in front of the fireplace watching the embers fight for life. Just a corner at first. Slowly, it stretches until the entire clouds in engulfed Continue reading Fire in the Clouds

RDP Monday

CHALLENGE RESPONSE My approach to photography until recently can be described as meek. I allowed my fear to inhibit my willingness to push the boundaries of my creativity. I allowed an early failure to transition to art photography mark my worthiness. Even with the success and progress I have achieved in these recent months, I … Continue reading RDP Monday

Monochrome Sunday

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME Each week, I attempt to learn more about photography. So, this week, I used photos from an old project. These are screen grabs from a video shot with my Sony F5X. The file format for this project is JPG. I haven’t used JPG in years because of its limitations when editing. Today, … Continue reading Monochrome Sunday

Brothers in Arms

PROSE – VETERAN’S DAY REFLECTION I’ve said on this blog that we have two families in life. The one we are born with and the one we choose. This concept has always been more than words for me. It’s been the way I was raised, and I live still. Today, Veteran’s Day, I going to … Continue reading Brothers in Arms

Monochrome Wednesday

PHOTOGRAPHY While shooting the picture I used for Wordless Wednesday, I heard rustling behind me. I kept looking around, trying to see the source of the noise and finally, this little appeared. I thought he would run off before I could get the shot, but I was lucky. Continue reading Monochrome Wednesday

Monochrome Monday

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME PRACTICE I’ve learned over these last months not everything looks good in black and white. Yes, it was hard to accept, but I’m slowly coming around. However, I still try out different approaches to monochrome. So, this weekend, I took a few shots to practice. This is what I came up with … Continue reading Monochrome Monday

Autumn Trees

PHOTOGRAPHY Here’s my response to XingfuMama’s One-To-Three Photo Processing Challenge – November 2023 I’ve been working on a daily prompt response for nearly a week, and I can’t quite figure out what I want to say. All I know is that I wanted a tree in the post. So, I have been taking photos of trees. … Continue reading Autumn Trees

RDP Sunday – 11052023

PHOTOGRAPHY Theme: Motion I’ve always had difficulty capturing motion in stills. Perhaps, this may be an underline reason I chose to work into with video. However, I can’t conceal my work love for still photography. Often, I look for ways to incorporate the two mediums. However, every now and then I get lucky and capture … Continue reading RDP Sunday – 11052023

Monochrome Tree Leaves

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME TREES While eating some disgustingly healthy food for lunch, I decided to play around in Photoshop Express. I swear the food is going to kill me before my health. I showed a few pictures I took with my cell, and my friends began to encourage me to perhaps take my photography hobby … Continue reading Monochrome Tree Leaves

FOTD – 10302023

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR -FLORAL Last night, I posted the monochrome version of this picture. I admit I prefer monochrome, but I like the detail in this photo. Typically, I overdue the color grading. This time, I restrained myself and turned out a little better than usual. I hope you guys enjoy the photo. Continue reading FOTD – 10302023

Born to be Wild

What’s something most people don’t know about you? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I had several different responses to this prompt. I actually made very detailed notes on something else. However, I was at my brother’s motorcycle shop. I took several photos of his projects. I can’t disclose any of the works in progress. However, there is … Continue reading Born to be Wild

RDP – Wednesday – 10252023

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR PROMPT ARCHITECTURE Most daily prompts I typically write something, but this week I think I’m do mainly photo responses. Lately, I’ve been exploring the different strategies when comes to editing photos. I’m attempting to discover how to make an ordinary object pop. I realize something’s have zero pop, but it’s fun to … Continue reading RDP – Wednesday – 10252023

Nature Walk

Of course, during a long weekend, I get a sinus cold. Between the sneezing, napping, and blowing my nose, I’ve been able to do a little editing. For the record, Puffs Plus are amazing. Pre Covid, I went to the local reserves and tried out my camera. It had been a while since I had … Continue reading Nature Walk

Adventures in Color

PHOTOGRAPHY – RANDOM COLOR For several months, I have been focusing on monochrome photography and I’m far from done. However, I’ve several requests to revisit the world of color. Initially, I scoffed because I typically post something in color weekly. Over the weekend I played with crayons and color pencils. Just kidding….hehe Here are a … Continue reading Adventures in Color

They Build the World.

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME During the holiday, I drove around and captured images of some of the work being done. Most of the time, when I hear people discuss construction, there is typically some sort of complaint lodged toward it. I’m sure why that is, but I’ve noticed more than I care to over the years. … Continue reading They Build the World.

Weekend Sky – 09022023

PHOTOGRAPHY – WEEKEND SKY – COLOR I love the clouds; there is something about their untold story. As they shift it is almost like watching a movie, and you can’t wait to see it going to lead. However, I found myself staring up at this cloudless sky thankful for being able to enjoy its beauty. … Continue reading Weekend Sky – 09022023

Keep on Truckin, baby

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME MADNESS I’ve been exploring photography these last few months. I almost reached the point where I could justify purchasing a camera or some more lenses. It isn’t that I need to justify my purchases with anyone; it has more to do with me redefining the type of artist I am. As I … Continue reading Keep on Truckin, baby

I Wonder What It Is ?

PROSE – RDP CHALLENGE/ PHOTOGRAPHY I have always heard there’s a reason for everything. I always viewed as one of those things people say when don’t anything better to say. For a lot of folks that atitude is perfectly fine. The necessity to drive deeper into an issue or situation isn’t a requirement and there’s … Continue reading I Wonder What It Is ?

FOTD – 08302023

PHOTOGRAPHY – FLORAL One of the things I enjoyed with my late wife was gardening. Me being a technical junkie and her being freeflowing, there weren’t many things we shared as far as common interests. I admit when she suggested putting in a garden I figured my involvement would be strickly physical. You know, dig … Continue reading FOTD – 08302023

Monochrome Monday

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME In this photo it kinda looks like this gentleman is saying “Hey you with the camera, no pictures!” “Whatever, dude! Let me see your car show face!” “Give me camera.” “Yeah… I don’t think so.” Actually in real life, this gentleman was really cool. I have a ton of pictures of him … Continue reading Monochrome Monday

Monochrome Monday

PHOTOGRAPHY – CAR SHOW I found myself wondering, of all the cars you could modify, why this one? I figured it might look cool in monochrome, so I snapped a shot The humidity was horrible. My mirrors fogged up, but I snapped a few shots anyway. I was just about to delete them and decided … Continue reading Monochrome Monday

FOTD – 07242023

I snapped this photo a couple of weeks ago right after the storm. I was amazed that it still stood when everything around it bore the scars of Mother Nature’s wrath. I’ve been looking at this photo everyday since the storm, marveling at its wonder. A reminder to stay the course in the face of … Continue reading FOTD – 07242023

We Were Champions Once …

The dedication, the sacrifice, and let’s not forget the glory. We were kings of the highest order. Nothing could touch us. At least that’s what we thought, felt, and believed. However, life can be cruel, wicked, and unrelenting. Everything comes due, it always has. Rest assured, there’s one thing that can’t be taken away. We … Continue reading We Were Champions Once …

Monochrome Madness

PHOTOGRAPHY (BLACK & WHITE) – PHOTOGRAPHIC STORYTELLING I took this shot over the weekend. It was shot in raw with a Nikon D3200/ 70-210mm. Yeah, the camera is old, but she still gets it done. The editing was done in Adobe Lightroom Classic. As I look at these, I feel a scene slowly building in … Continue reading Monochrome Madness