FOTD – 08302023

PHOTOGRAPHY – FLORAL One of the things I enjoyed with my late wife was gardening. Me being a technical junkie and her being freeflowing, there weren’t many things we shared as far as common interests. I admit when she suggested putting in a garden I figured my involvement would be strickly physical. You know, dig … Continue reading FOTD – 08302023

Eastbound and Down

How do you practice self-care? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT There is something about taking a drive. A full tank of gas packed lunch, and your camera and notebook. It’s a sense of freedom; at least, that’s the phrase I’ll use as I sit here talking to you. I suppose it’s as good as any, to … Continue reading Eastbound and Down

Can You Dig It?

What do you do to be involved in the community? When it comes to being involved in community it boils down to this We our brothers and sisters in the struggle; doing with what we can to stand above the churn. The churn gives not one iota, who you are, where you come from, nor … Continue reading Can You Dig It?