Morning Vibe – 06152024

It’s Saturday, I’m supposed to be feel sort of special way, but I don’t. I need something, the coffee isn’t doing it. Perhaps, I need to close my eyes and drift away to another place. A place where the words sit right beside me waiting to be used. Of course, I can’t have that. It’s … Continue reading Morning Vibe – 06152024

Morning Vibe – 05032024

PROSE Its dark still, but its morning. You know this, not because of any alarm, but because you can hear the birds speaking to one another, not that you can understand, but an announcement all the same. Now you hear the stillness of the night dissipate. The horn of the :07 shatters the remains. Your … Continue reading Morning Vibe – 05032024

Morning Vibe – 04112024

Sometimes the classics just make the morning better. It’s a little cloudy here, but I have never minded it when its cloudy. I love looking at the texture of the clouds. This Bobby Hebb classic has been played on radios and homes of many for decades. It’s one of the songs that demand to snap … Continue reading Morning Vibe – 04112024

Morning Vibe – 04072024

There’s verse in this song that moves me each time I hear it. “I am invincible” It serves as a sometimes mantra when things get heavy. And things are heavy. However, I enjoy listening to it regardless of the circumstances. Music has always been a source of relaxation and joy. Lyrics: Welcome to the real … Continue reading Morning Vibe – 04072024

Morning Vibe – 04022024

The day started off on the wrong foot so to speak. Patience and restraint, my watchwords, seem to be on vacation. I’m a little miffed about this because the bastards didn’t have the decency to take me with them. A track from the “The Ramones” sums my feelings about thus far Here’s some more because … Continue reading Morning Vibe – 04022024