A Little Help From My Friends – My Favorites Photos from 2023 –

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR/MONOCHROME My relationship with photography is relatively new. Before 2023, I didn’t consider processing and sharing my work. I’ve enjoyed photography for years, but it has always been my private passion. I have professional photographers in my family and consider my contribution to the art to be rudimentary at best. I’m my own … Continue reading A Little Help From My Friends – My Favorites Photos from 2023 –

Keep on Truckin, baby

PHOTOGRAPHY – MONOCHROME MADNESS I’ve been exploring photography these last few months. I almost reached the point where I could justify purchasing a camera or some more lenses. It isn’t that I need to justify my purchases with anyone; it has more to do with me redefining the type of artist I am. As I … Continue reading Keep on Truckin, baby

Monochrome Madness

PHOTOGRAPHY (BLACK & WHITE) – PHOTOGRAPHIC STORYTELLING I took this shot over the weekend. It was shot in raw with a Nikon D3200/ 70-210mm. Yeah, the camera is old, but she still gets it done. The editing was done in Adobe Lightroom Classic. As I look at these, I feel a scene slowly building in … Continue reading Monochrome Madness

Monochrome Madness

I love photography and found this challenge on WP reader. This is my first post to this challenge so I hope I’m doing it right. This is a photo of a kitten who showed up on my porch one day. I’ve been feeding its mother for a several months before the little one showed up. … Continue reading Monochrome Madness