But, Of Course

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I have several collections of various things that captured my interest over the years. I could go on about my book, music, or my hard drives filled with unsorted data to be used at some unspecified time. No data is bad data. However, I have a collection that may be a tad … Continue reading But, Of Course

The Memory Palace

As we get older, we often find we don’t remember things the way we used to. I asked a doctor once about my failing memory, and his response was less than gratifying. I’ve never been one who took sweeping generalizations seriously. Despite aging, several conditions have an impact on memory. I’ve listed a few. As … Continue reading The Memory Palace

REBLOG: N.J. wrongly forces people with developmental disabilities into nursing homes, scathing report says – nj.com

This makes no sense… definitely not a solution N.J. wrongly forces people with developmental disabilities into nursing homes, scathing report says – nj.com — Read on http://www.nj.com/healthfit/2023/10/nj-wrongly-forces-people-with-developmental-disabilities-into-nursing-homes-scathing-report-says.html Continue reading REBLOG: N.J. wrongly forces people with developmental disabilities into nursing homes, scathing report says – nj.com

Skywriting – 090120231253

What motivates you? PROSE – INTROSPECTION I sit thinking about the question before me. As usual, I overthink everything. Qualification is a necessity before answering the simplest question: insanity, a worthy description of my state of being and actions. I believe I’m slow dancing on the edge, but I’m drowning in the middle of an … Continue reading Skywriting – 090120231253

Eastbound and Down

How do you practice self-care? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT There is something about taking a drive. A full tank of gas packed lunch, and your camera and notebook. It’s a sense of freedom; at least, that’s the phrase I’ll use as I sit here talking to you. I suppose it’s as good as any, to … Continue reading Eastbound and Down

Trees – CBWC

I’m continuing on my journey into Black & White Photography. I found this challenge last night at Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge.. I found this tree on a walkabout. I found myself wanting to stick my hand in the hole. The only thing preventing this was the tree was too tall. After this shot, … Continue reading Trees – CBWC

Let Me Tell You About

POETRY – INTROSPECTION Let me tell you about the man trapped insidethe one residing in the bowels of madness His armor is rusted & dented but his sword remains sharpas he grips the hilt, he tastes the blood of the unhealed wounds beneath the scars He’s been in that life for so longhe’s forgotten the … Continue reading Let Me Tell You About

Weekend Sky #1

For over a month, I have been admiring the posts concerning the Weekend Sky Challenge. I snapped a few with my phone. I’m unsure how the challenge works, but here is an attempt. A friend of mine suggested that I explore all my creative outlets. So I decided to pull out my camera and started … Continue reading Weekend Sky #1

Coping Strategies for Anxiety

Introduction Anxiety is a normal part of life, and everyone experiences it at some point. However, when anxiety becomes excessive and starts interfering with daily activities, it can indicate an anxiety disorder. Anxiety disorders are among the most common mental health disorders affecting millions worldwide. The good news is that many coping strategies for anxiety … Continue reading Coping Strategies for Anxiety

Understanding Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies

Anxiety is a common mental health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, anxiety is the most prevalent mental health disorder, with an estimated 1 in 13 people globally suffering from anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear ranging from mild to severe. The symptoms of anxiety … Continue reading Understanding Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies

Understanding Excessive Worrying

An Overview of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) Excessive worrying, also known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), is a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent and excessive worrying about various aspects of life, such as work, family, finances, health, and more. While it’s normal to worry about things occasionally, excessive … Continue reading Understanding Excessive Worrying

Complementary Therapies

Complementary therapies have been used for centuries to help manage various health conditions, and their popularity has increased significantly in recent years. Traditional medicine often uses these therapies to help manage symptoms and improve overall well-being. Complementary therapies aim to treat the whole person, not just the symptoms of a particular condition. Some examples of … Continue reading Complementary Therapies

EM … What?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Trauma can have a deep and lasting impact on an individual’s life. It can cause various mental health conditions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, and phobias. Fortunately, various treatment options are available to help individuals overcome the effects of trauma and live a more fulfilling life. … Continue reading EM … What?

PTSD is Wicked Scary

Introduction Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that can occur after going through or witnessing a traumatic event. PTSD can have a significant impact on a person’s daily life, relationships, and overall well-being. However, there are many effective treatments available for PTSD, that actually help. I know its scary and you probably … Continue reading PTSD is Wicked Scary

Return to Madness

Poetry – Reflection Staring into the abyss, so vast it’s beyond measure.Puzzled by the occurrence of the wicked illusions that have been haunting my mind;I squeeze my eyes shut and pray for the moment that they are no more.Shuddering from this decedent state, I take another drag from the cigarette between my trembling fingers. I … Continue reading Return to Madness

REBLOG: Self-Mental Checkup: Prioritizing Your Mental Well-Being at Home —

Taking care of your mental well-being is essential for leading a healthy and fulfilling life. While professional mental health support is crucial, there are steps you can take to monitor and promote your mental health from the comfort of your own home. In this article, we will explore a self-mental checkup, a series of practices […] … Continue reading REBLOG: Self-Mental Checkup: Prioritizing Your Mental Well-Being at Home —

REBLOG: A simple smile.

Never forget to do more of what makes you smile. Smiling is so important for your overall health and well being. Even if it’s as simple as acting … A simple smile. It doesn’t a tremendous effort to make a difference or effect change. This is certainly what this piece writing has done for me … Continue reading REBLOG: A simple smile.

REBLOG: New Lune’s – 3 Times When It’s Ok To Take A Break From Your Blog. — New Lune

I’ve always emphasised the importance of taking a break from your blog if you would like to continue blogging for a long period of time. However, I don’t think I have been specific about when it was ok to take a break and even if I had been, I don’t think it was extremely detailed […] … Continue reading REBLOG: New Lune’s – 3 Times When It’s Ok To Take A Break From Your Blog. — New Lune

Hollow Man

POETRY – INTROSPECTION ​How long will my words echo in an empty hall?How long will I sway to its melody alone?How will silence swallow my cries?How long will my essence seep from the cracks of my shattered shells?  Oh, how I long to be deafened by the screamsHow I long to be drenched in their … Continue reading Hollow Man

Lost in the Fire

Poetry – Introspection  Traveling through lifeSometimes confusedThat’s just the way it is Weakened by injuryAlthough it was physical,It has affected me mentally. It’s just another brand of misery. Pondering, if what mysteries I need to unravelMystery? Not really.Just something right there in front of me. I suppose I’m just a tad bit crazy…Mistake after mistake … Continue reading Lost in the Fire


POETRY- Introspection  In constant fear of transparent shadows,Shadows containing where I have beenShadows reflecting what these eyes have seen Falling deeper into Pain’s prisonShuddering from the cell door’s clang,Closing behind me Peering through the settling dust,Petrified by a mesmerizing silenceDeciphering the wonders of a wandering mind My soul speaks as my quill whispers to thee. … Continue reading Dust