Taking Care of Business

What could you do more of? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT As thinking about this prompt, I keep coming back to central idea I have used for most of life. “Take Care of Business” However, today it takes on new meaning. I spent a tremendous amount of time worrying about taking care of the needs of … Continue reading Taking Care of Business

So it goes…

What personal belongings do you hold most dear? The consequences of rum and bad decisions. These consequences are both endearing and fester. Their existence is personal, and they belong to me. I bear the weight of them alone. I’m happy to do it. Now that’s the end of it So it goes … Continue reading So it goes…

Can You Dig It?

What do you do to be involved in the community? When it comes to being involved in community it boils down to this We our brothers and sisters in the struggle; doing with what we can to stand above the churn. The churn gives not one iota, who you are, where you come from, nor … Continue reading Can You Dig It?

A Difference

What do you wish you could do more every day? Make a difference … I wish I could do the things that make people’s lives a little easiermaybe it will be enough of a pause to figure out what’s next I wish I could see the smiles from a corny joke or goofy story maybe … Continue reading A Difference