REBLOG: How to Achieve Stillness of Mind: “Finding Peace and Clarity”

As a general rule, I’ve found achieving a state of stillness of one’s mind to be quite beneficial in numerous regards. Here we a post discussing a few techniques. In our busy lives, it is difficult to find moments of peace and clarity. Our minds are constantly racing, and it is hard to quiet them … Continue reading REBLOG: How to Achieve Stillness of Mind: “Finding Peace and Clarity”

Eastbound and Down

How do you practice self-care? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHT There is something about taking a drive. A full tank of gas packed lunch, and your camera and notebook. It’s a sense of freedom; at least, that’s the phrase I’ll use as I sit here talking to you. I suppose it’s as good as any, to … Continue reading Eastbound and Down

So it goes…

What personal belongings do you hold most dear? The consequences of rum and bad decisions. These consequences are both endearing and fester. Their existence is personal, and they belong to me. I bear the weight of them alone. I’m happy to do it. Now that’s the end of it So it goes … Continue reading So it goes…

Understanding Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies

Anxiety is a common mental health issue affecting millions of people worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, anxiety is the most prevalent mental health disorder, with an estimated 1 in 13 people globally suffering from anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear ranging from mild to severe. The symptoms of anxiety … Continue reading Understanding Anxiety: Causes, Symptoms, and Coping Strategies


PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS/RANT The hush of darkness had begun to settle. Night whispers were yawning. They were a bit cranky, as if they didn’t get enough sleep. It was the same amount they got yesterday and the same amount tomorrow. They always got this much this time of year. The mixture of burning cedar … Continue reading Prisonless


POETRY – INNER PEACE Kneeling before the MasterWith a heavy heart Heavy from the pain …Heavy from the strain… I wish it would stop. Resolution unknownI need it before I break down. Remember this …Remember this … Troubled, my destiny unclear.Delusive illusion is near. So I pray for guidance.Through this mystic tour Pray for tranquility.To … Continue reading Silence