This is just wrong…

Describe your dream chocolate bar. DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE How you gonna ask me a question like this? Knowing I’m a diabetical … [scoffs] [rocking back and forth … muttering …] Strawberries, peanuts, covered nugget…ZZzzzz [muttering] got me dreaming and shit … knowing I can’t have none of that goodness … That’s just wrong! Continue reading This is just wrong…

Blues Saturday Night #3

TUNAGE Finally, I’m back. It’s been a long road to get here. Sometimes, I thought I would never return. Yeah, it be like that at times. The ole’ folk would say, “Boy ain’t wrong with you, but the blues. It’ll pass. If you let it.” I didn’t know what they meant then, but it stuck. … Continue reading Blues Saturday Night #3

CMMC – February

PHOTOGRAPHY – COLOR Here is my response to Cee’s Photo Challenge – CMMC’s X & W – February Over the last several weeks, I have been playing catch-up. Since retiring, I’ve sat back and enjoyed the wonderful world of blogging. I don’t have to tell you about the fantastic posts from around the world. When … Continue reading CMMC – February

Cure for Neuropathy

PROSE – HUMOR A women went for annual medical exam. The doctor went through her usual routine. Then she got to the woman’s feet and ran her across the bottom of her foot. “Is there any numbness?”, the doctor asked. “Have you met my husband? That man, get’s on my last nerve.”, “A surefire cure … Continue reading Cure for Neuropathy

Poem of the Day

Marie Rainer Rilke’s Faces Have I said it before? I am learning to see. Yes, I am beginning. It’s still going badly. But I intend to make the most of my time. For example, it never occurred to me before how many faces there are. There are multitudes of people, but there are many more … Continue reading Poem of the Day

the bucket list

What place in the world do you never want to visit? Why? To me, this is a loaded question. Like there is just one place on this Earth, you would like to avoid. As if you randomly hear of a place and automatically decide never to travel there ever. Since I have traveled a great … Continue reading the bucket list