The Right to Vote

Do you vote in political elections? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As child, I watched the elders of my community banned together and brave the elements for their chance to be heard. I remember the rumbling of the younger generations about elections being rigged and didn’t matter if they voted or not. The elders wouldn’t hear this … Continue reading The Right to Vote

The Tulsa Race Massacre: An In-depth Exploration of a Dark Chapter in American History.

ARTICLE – MINI BIOGRAPHY – HISTORY The Tulsa Race Massacre, which occurred in 1921, remains one of the most horrific instances of racial violence in American history. This tragic event, often overshadowed in the annals of history, resulted in the destruction of a prosperous Black community, fondly known as the “Black Wall Street,” in Tulsa, … Continue reading The Tulsa Race Massacre: An In-depth Exploration of a Dark Chapter in American History.

Robert Smalls

ARTICLE – MINI BIOGRAPHY – HISTORY Robert Smalls (1839–1915) emerged from the crucible of slavery to become one of the most remarkable figures in American history, a testament to resilience, courage, and determination. His journey from enslavement to statesmanship reflects not only the indomitable spirit of one man but also the broader struggles for freedom … Continue reading Robert Smalls

Percival Prattis: Breaking Barriers as the First Black Reporter in the U.S. Congressional Press Gallery

ARTICLE – MINI BIOGRAPHY – HISTORICAL EVENT In the annals of American journalism, Percival Prattis stands as a trailblazer, a visionary journalist who shattered racial barriers and paved the way for greater diversity in the press. Born in Trinidad in 1895, Prattis would become a distinguished reporter and the first Black journalist to gain access … Continue reading Percival Prattis: Breaking Barriers as the First Black Reporter in the U.S. Congressional Press Gallery

Chinese Immigration Discrimination II: The Geary Act of 1892

ARTICLE – MINI BIOGRAPHY – HISTORY The Geary Act, enacted in 1892, represents a significant chapter in the history of American immigration law. Serving as an extension and reinforcement of the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, the Geary Act prolonged the era of discriminatory policies targeting Chinese immigrants and added further restrictions, marking a troubling … Continue reading Chinese Immigration Discrimination II: The Geary Act of 1892

Illuminating Progress: The Birth of the First Electric Lamp Factory

ARTICLE – HISTORICAL EVENT The advent of electric lighting marked a transformative moment in human history, fundamentally altering how we live and work. At the heart of this revolutionary shift was the establishment of the first electric lamp factory, a pioneering endeavor that laid the foundation for widespread electrification and illuminated a path toward a … Continue reading Illuminating Progress: The Birth of the First Electric Lamp Factory

Origins of Black History Month

ARTICLE – MINI BIOGRAPHY Black History Month, originally known as Negro History Week, has a profound origin rooted in the efforts of historian Carter G. Woodson. Born in 1875, Woodson dedicated his life to rectifying the historical omission of African Americans’ contributions to the United States. In 1926, Woodson, along with the Association for the … Continue reading Origins of Black History Month

John Snow: Pioneer in Epidemiology and the Father of Modern Public Health

ARTICLE – MINI BIOGRAPHY John Snow – (15 March 1813 – 16 June 1858) Introduction: In the annals of medical history, the name John Snow stands as a beacon of innovation and pioneering efforts in epidemiology. Often referred to as the “Father of Modern Public Health,” John Snow’s groundbreaking work during the 19th century laid … Continue reading John Snow: Pioneer in Epidemiology and the Father of Modern Public Health

Garrett A. Morgan: Innovator and Advocate

ARTICLE – MINI BIOGRAPHY Introduction: Garrett Augustus Morgan, born on March 4, 1877, in Paris, Kentucky, was a visionary inventor, entrepreneur, and civil rights advocate whose contributions have left an indelible mark on American history. Despite facing racial prejudices and societal challenges, Morgan’s inventive spirit and determination led to the creation of life-changing innovations and … Continue reading Garrett A. Morgan: Innovator and Advocate

Quote of the Day – 01162024

Vernon Johns, often overlooked in American civil rights history annals, made significant and impactful contributions to the movement. Known as Martin Luther King Jr.’s predecessor at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, Johns was a fiery and fearless advocate for racial equality. This comprehensive essay delves into his early life, extensive civil rights … Continue reading Quote of the Day – 01162024