Cinematic Gold

REFLECTION – RANDOM THOUGHTS Typically, when comes to film adaptations, we got two categories: “Oh my god that was horrible! The book is so much better!” “Can you believe they did that? That’s not in the book!” The majority of the film adaptation I’ve seen into these categories. I’m a huge Shawshank Redemption fan. I … Continue reading Cinematic Gold

REBLOG: My top 10 are: – Blade Runner (1982)– Shawshank Redemption…

My top 10 are: – Blade Runner (1982)– Shawshank Redemption– Green Book– Spirited Away– The Last Samurai– Inception– The Dark Knight– LoTR and The Hobbit Trilogies– Star Wars (all 9 films)– Star Trek Movies (with Chris Pine as JTK) My top 10 are: – Blade Runner (1982)– Shawshank Redemption… I found this to be a … Continue reading REBLOG: My top 10 are: – Blade Runner (1982)– Shawshank Redemption…