Taking Care of Business

What could you do more of? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT As thinking about this prompt, I keep coming back to central idea I have used for most of life. “Take Care of Business” However, today it takes on new meaning. I spent a tremendous amount of time worrying about taking care of the needs of … Continue reading Taking Care of Business

Trees – CBWC

I’m continuing on my journey into Black & White Photography. I found this challenge last night at Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge.. I found this tree on a walkabout. I found myself wanting to stick my hand in the hole. The only thing preventing this was the tree was too tall. After this shot, … Continue reading Trees – CBWC

Monochrome Madness

PHOTOGRAPHY (BLACK & WHITE) – PHOTOGRAPHIC STORYTELLING I took this shot over the weekend. It was shot in raw with a Nikon D3200/ 70-210mm. Yeah, the camera is old, but she still gets it done. The editing was done in Adobe Lightroom Classic. As I look at these, I feel a scene slowly building in … Continue reading Monochrome Madness