I Remember SkyNet

PHOTOGRAPHY – CHALLENGE-RESPONSE This post is my response to Lens Artists Challenge 301,303,302, and 304. I begin this post with a poem by Emily Dickinson because I believe it sets the groundwork for our discussion. When it comes to artificial intelligence, conversations often spiral out of control. This isn’t the fault of the debaters; rather, … Continue reading I Remember SkyNet

The Juggling Clown Show

CHALLENGE RESPONSE – TTC M#721 Today, I wanted to do something a little different, so I decided to play around with AI. Here is the result I came up with for the challenge. First, I used a text prompt to generate an image that depicted the three challenge words: ClownCrowdCitrus Next, I took the above … Continue reading The Juggling Clown Show

Cinematic Gold

REFLECTION – RANDOM THOUGHTS Typically, when comes to film adaptations, we got two categories: “Oh my god that was horrible! The book is so much better!” “Can you believe they did that? That’s not in the book!” The majority of the film adaptation I’ve seen into these categories. I’m a huge Shawshank Redemption fan. I … Continue reading Cinematic Gold

This is just wrong…

Describe your dream chocolate bar. DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE How you gonna ask me a question like this? Knowing I’m a diabetical … [scoffs] [rocking back and forth … muttering …] Strawberries, peanuts, covered nugget…ZZzzzz [muttering] got me dreaming and shit … knowing I can’t have none of that goodness … That’s just wrong! Continue reading This is just wrong…