Swimming with the Fishes

What could you try for the first time? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a kid, I spent hours watching a TV show, “The Man from Atlantis,” starring Patrick Duffy. This show was before he rose to fame as “Bobby Ewing” on the iconic drama Dallas. It was a horrible television show I barely remember. … Continue reading Swimming with the Fishes

Doing all it takes

What’s your #1 priority tomorrow? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Sometimes, it’s difficult to decide what things have the greatest priority. Everyone has so many things going on in their lives the only thing we can seem to do is breathe. Sometimes, we can only take quick and shallow breaths. Despite my daily tasks, my … Continue reading Doing all it takes

Sweating the Details

PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS Throughout most of my life, I have been a detail-oriented person. I suppose I been this way due to a fear of making a mistake. I’m unsure if I realized that fact before I sat down to write this post. However, if success is to had by examing the merits of … Continue reading Sweating the Details

Time for a Cool Change

What skill would you like to learn? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS When considering today’s prompt I think about all the things I cram into my head regularly. I’m passionate about learning new things that interest me. I believe I have always been this way or at least, as far back as I can … Continue reading Time for a Cool Change

Working for a Living

PROSE – DAILY PROMPT/CHALLENGE The short answer would be satisfaction. However, satisfaction doesn’t seem to be a strong enough word to describe my feelings after hard work. Though, being a writer, one would think I could find the appropriate word, but there are things in life that can’t be described but felt. Continue reading Working for a Living

What’d you call me?

What’s the story behind your nickname? PROSE – REFLECTION /RANT I’ve known by many names in my lifetime. Some flattering, others not so much. However, I say I earned every one of them. I take a certain measure of pride in these names, all of them, especially the one not so flattering. No matter the … Continue reading What’d you call me?

All in the Family

What aspects of your cultural heritage are you most proud of or interested in? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE In life, we are blessed with two families: the one we are born with and the one we choose. I heard this concept a few years ago, and instantly it made sense. My MiMi was a … Continue reading All in the Family

Taking Care of Business

What could you do more of? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT As thinking about this prompt, I keep coming back to central idea I have used for most of life. “Take Care of Business” However, today it takes on new meaning. I spent a tremendous amount of time worrying about taking care of the needs of … Continue reading Taking Care of Business

More than meets the eye

Name the professional athletes you respect the most and why. PROSE – OBSERVATION Regarding professional athletes, we as a society tend to look at them singularly. I never understood why that is, but only to say primarily, I wasn’t any different. However, I’ve read articles telling the exploits of some of these athletes. I cannot … Continue reading More than meets the eye

The best way I can

How do you celebrate holidays? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS Today’s response is a short one. I just don’t have much to say. I typically forget about holidays. The next things I know someone asking I’m doing for the holidays. My response is nothing. Continue reading The best way I can

Where do I Begin?

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life. PROSE – INTROSPECTION If you are like me, when reading this prompt, you’re which pearl of wisdom to drop. What insight makes the city today. There are so many to use from. I think it changes depending on what’s happening in a person’s life. … Continue reading Where do I Begin?

In the Wee Hours #8

Are you holding a grudge? About? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS Lately, I’ve become aware of the hazards of holding on to grudges. However, we can not ignore that they often are the catalyst that shape us into the people we are today. There is a darker side of holding on to grudges. So, don’t hold … Continue reading In the Wee Hours #8

Age of Innocence

What brings a tear of joy to your eye? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS I beleive its important to point out I’m some pansy running boo-hooing. However, acknowledging the presence of tenderness or innocence displays reserves of strength that can’t be adequately described in words. I know I been trying for years. Yet, I suppose one … Continue reading Age of Innocence

Time and Space

What TV shows did you watch as a kid? PROSE – REFLECTION – DAILY PROMPT I imagine, like most adults my age, we really didn’t have a choice of what we watched on television. Our television was whatever our parents allowed, and there was back talk. We watched what they said without complaint or lost … Continue reading Time and Space

Party in the Streets

What do you love about where you live? PROSE – RANDOM THOUGHTS The thing I love about my neighborhood is the sense of community. Everyone is struggling in one way or another, but somehow, we come together in times of need. Today, I witnessed a local church hand out school supplies to its members. Sometimes, … Continue reading Party in the Streets

PACE Yourselves

Create an emergency preparedness plan. DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I have created several EPs over the years, personal and professional. I have inspected several on a professional setting. Through all of that, I discovered a method that has worked the best for me. As I work through the different items necessary to accomplish the overall goal. … Continue reading PACE Yourselves

The Simple Life

List 30 things that make you happy. PROSE – DAILY PROMPT /SLIGHT RANT I read this question and begin to laugh. I can’t remember the last time I needed 30 things to make me happy. I’ve overheard conservation dealing with this subject, where the overall opinion if you couldn’t name a certain ridiculous number things … Continue reading The Simple Life

Snap, Crackle, Pop

What’s your go-to comfort food? PROSE – REFLECTION I’ve known by many names in my lifetime. Some flattering, others not so much. However, I say I earned every one of them. There is nothing better to forgot the things that ail you than a morsel from the gods. For health reasons, I can’t enjoy these … Continue reading Snap, Crackle, Pop

Bruce Lee Saved My Life

PROSE – REFLECTION/INTROSPECTION For years, I acted a certain way because I thought that was the expectation. Sadly, I discovered no matter how you act or what you do, people will complain about something. By my rationale, if they’re going to complain anyway, you might as well be true to yourself as much as possible. … Continue reading Bruce Lee Saved My Life

Well, Let me See?

What are the most important things needed to live a good life? When it comes to living a good life, there’s really no correct answer to that question. It’s really a subjective matter that depends on the individual. Each individual defines what they consider a good life and what it takes to live it. It … Continue reading Well, Let me See?