What’s the oldest thing you own that you still use daily? DAILY CHALLENGE RESPONSE For whatever reason, AI has something against generating an image of a Dodge Ram, but whatever. I drive an old Dodge Ram that’s 19 years old. She needs some loving, but she still gets me where I need to go. I … Continue reading The RAM

This is just wrong…

Describe your dream chocolate bar. DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE How you gonna ask me a question like this? Knowing I’m a diabetical … [scoffs] [rocking back and forth … muttering …] Strawberries, peanuts, covered nugget…ZZzzzz [muttering] got me dreaming and shit … knowing I can’t have none of that goodness … That’s just wrong! Continue reading This is just wrong…

Squeeze Me

Where would you go on a shopping spree? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Shopping Sprees? I’m bold, daring, and a tad bit reckless. Slinging money left and right. Yep, that’s me. Three places I make it rain at. Amazon, local used bookstore, and local used record shop. I know it’s crazy, and I need to contain myself. … Continue reading Squeeze Me


DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I came up with potential responses to this prompt. Either would have been fine. However, I spent most of the night and a good part of the wee hours working. As a multi-genre artist, work could mean anything. Well, last night, I worked on character descriptions for my fiction. It’s nothing to … Continue reading Art

I’m not that Damn Old

Do you remember life before the internet? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE This is sort of a tricky question. It’s tricky because a version of the internet has been around since the 60’s. However, this version of the internet, wasn’t available to the public. To be honest, only the select few even knew of it existence. Now, … Continue reading I’m not that Damn Old

All that Remains

What personal belongings do you hold most dear? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE For a long time, I fought for humor, integrity, and truth. I was steadfast in my duty. Then, for a moment, I fought for glory. This was the moment of corruption. How can this be? After years of devotion, it only takes a moment … Continue reading All that Remains

There have been many …

What sacrifices have you made in life? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE We all make sacrifices. It’s just a fact of life. Some make more than others, but we all make them. There is one sacrifice that stands out more than others: the moment I sacrificed my innocence. I didn’t know what was happening, but now I … Continue reading There have been many …

But, Of Course

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I have several collections of various things that captured my interest over the years. I could go on about my book, music, or my hard drives filled with unsorted data to be used at some unspecified time. No data is bad data. However, I have a collection that may be a tad … Continue reading But, Of Course


What’s one small improvement you can make in your life? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I suppose when you reach a certain age, you wonder about trying to make a change or improvement—old dogs and alike. Yet, hopefully, with that age comes a bit of wisdom. I know for years I’ve banged my head against the wall … Continue reading Acceptance

Yes, Indeed

Have you ever broken a bone? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE There are a few days when phantom pain causes me to wince. I know it’s from my earlier escapades. I never just broke a bone, I shattered them. Maybe, I should have sat down and lived a normal life? Fuck that Continue reading Yes, Indeed

The Right to Vote

Do you vote in political elections? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As child, I watched the elders of my community banned together and brave the elements for their chance to be heard. I remember the rumbling of the younger generations about elections being rigged and didn’t matter if they voted or not. The elders wouldn’t hear this … Continue reading The Right to Vote

Life before Candy

List your top 5 favorite fruits. DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE When I was a child, candy was truly a treat. Holidays like Easter, Halloween, and Christmas were awesome because we were allowed to eat candy for days. However, the remainder of the time, fruit served as our treat or snack. After wonderful years of sampling different … Continue reading Life before Candy

I’m a Man of few words

What topics do you like to discuss? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I find this a bit difficult since I go days without uttering a single word. There’s something about the serenity of silence that soothes me, and most times, I’m not willing to compromise my serenity for the sake of prattle. I have found that my … Continue reading I’m a Man of few words


Which aspects do you think makes a person unique? DAILY PROMPT CHALLENGE In the discussion of what makes a person unique, it’s a short one. However -, the forced subtopics or categories lengthen the discussion and become a slow grind. The answer is simple. An individual’s personality sets them apart from everyone else. I concede … Continue reading Personality

Songs Sung Offkey

What was the last thing you did for play or fun? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE A couple of months back a few co workers had this hair brain scheme to go a local watering hole to I don’t know, hang out? or some just as an annoying social construct. So, under protest, I showed up. To … Continue reading Songs Sung Offkey

I Hate Change

How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE In many ways I viewed the quarantine as a god send. Let me be clear, I wished anything harmful on anyone, but I was dealing with emotionally issues and wanted to be alone. So I was. I encrypted everything … Continue reading I Hate Change

I Couldn’t Resist

You’re going on a cross-country trip. Airplane, train, bus, car, or bike? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I’ve more time behind the wheel than any other mode of transportation. Driving has always relaxed me. I prefer driving alone to think in peace, but I’m not opposed to traveling with someone else. I’ve developed some of my best … Continue reading I Couldn’t Resist

Can’t Stand The Rain

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Despite the title, the rain is my favorite type of weather. I never understood why people ran from the rain but spent hours in the shower over a lifetime. They swim laps, surf, and waterski, yet the first raindrops they beat feet for shelter. Trust me, I’m not making fun of anyone. … Continue reading Can’t Stand The Rain

Did you Just Jinx Me?

Are you superstitious? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a general rule, superstitions are hooey. However, being a member of several teams over the years, I find myself are a believer of a jinx. I can’t accurately describe in words how many times I’ve been a victim of a jinx. Either I placed it on myself, or … Continue reading Did you Just Jinx Me?

The Wet Dog

What activities do you lose yourself in? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE – FICTION I don my Bluetooth Sennheiser Headphones and plug the charger into my phone. We are less than 30%. I don’t know how long this will take, so I will take my time but hurry every chance I get. A Lucky Strike smolders in … Continue reading The Wet Dog

It’s a Wolf Thang

Which animal would you compare yourself to and why? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I believe I was a wolf in another life. Their solitary habits appeal to me. As a child, I was convinced I would be a werewolf. I watched all the movies and read all the stories. Now, as an adult, I enjoy wolves. … Continue reading It’s a Wolf Thang

My Health

What is the biggest challenge you will face in the next six months? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Over the last six months, I’ve experienced tremendous health issues. So, for the next six months, my biggest challenge is to maintain the progress I’ve made. I Have to learn to be patient and sit my stubborn butt down … Continue reading My Health

The Opening Line

You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE No one intends to fall in love with an asshole, but it happens; just ask my late wife and current girlfriend; they are the two sitting in the corner shaking their heads as they read this sentence. Continue reading The Opening Line

The Essential’s

What are three objects you couldn’t live without? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE If I’m being honest, there are far too many I would hate to give up. I guess I’ve got soft over the years. However, if I absolutely had these three items I couldn’t live without. 1. Coffee – I don’t care about the garbage … Continue reading The Essential’s

That Coveted Rookie Card

Are there any activities or hobbies you’ve outgrown or lost interest in over time? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Throughout the years, I’ve collected one thing or another. In childhood most of my friends were collecting something. It seemed as though you weren’t a boy if you didn’t some sort of collection. This followed me into adulthood. … Continue reading That Coveted Rookie Card

Baked Chicken

What’s your favorite thing to cook? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE My goto meal is some variation of baked chicken. I’ve a considerable amount of time perfecting several recipes concerning chicken. I also do some exciting things with salmon. Perhaps, one day I will post a recipe or something. I know that looks yummy, but mine looks … Continue reading Baked Chicken

Something Good … I Hope

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I’ve asked myself this question more times than I can count. I’ve even fantasized about how my life would be different. I wouldn’t wind up like those people you hear about who win millions and end up broke or worse than they were. I would be smart, I’d tell myself. Honestly, I … Continue reading Something Good … I Hope

The Down & Dirty

List five things you do for fun. DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I live a simple life. Due to this, several folks accuse me of being unable to have fun. At first, this consensus troubled me. For 30 seconds, I considered that I might need to adjust my lifestyle. Once I explained my former everyday life, some … Continue reading The Down & Dirty

No Pressure

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Like many people our names are chosen with no idea why? Several of us are named after a relative we never met. Sometimes we carry names of relative that has been deceased for generations. Most of the people I know don’t a clue of etymology of their names. Madre Khan said she … Continue reading No Pressure

The Burden of Leadership

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE When we have a conversation about leadership, one can find opinions and ideals with a few keystrokes. There are seminars, books, and articles thoroughly covering the subject. During my time in the military I read several in an attempt to find everything I could about becoming a better leader. I’ve listed a … Continue reading The Burden of Leadership

Sitting Still Long Enough

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE What I’ve learned over the years in regards to clutter is you never know how much crap you have accumulated until you get ready to move. Also, I discovered the things in the basement, the storage unit, and the garage. You probably don’t need it. I’m aware that somehow we find justification … Continue reading Sitting Still Long Enough

Werewolves of London

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a kid, my favorite animal was a dog. Then I watched Ole Yeller and Sounder, and suddenly, the idea of caring for a dog seemed less appealing. Though I’ve had various versions of man’s best friend. I couldn’t help but be enthralled by the mystic of werewolves. In 1981, I was … Continue reading Werewolves of London

I Remember Dial-Up

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Yesterday, I stood in line at a local store when the computer system went down. After a wave of groans and disapproving looks, the manager assured us the system would be online shortly. This didn’t help the groans. I understood a possible reason for the atmosphere. We were in the middle of a … Continue reading I Remember Dial-Up

What would I do for Free?

What job would you do for free? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE A Writer The unfinished projects have formed a pile. Ideas, rants, and incoherent sentences fester. Sometimes I wonder what Goofball gave me the idea to become a writer. Where the hell are they at? I need to hunt them down wherever they may cleverly hide. … Continue reading What would I do for Free?

A Good Story

When are you most happy? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I find myself the most happy when I’m lost in a good story. It took a long time to figure out how to enjoy reading stories without my imagination taking off, and I lost interest in the story. I began making notes in little spiral notebooks of … Continue reading A Good Story

Living Room Vinyl

Describe an item you were incredibly attached to as a youth. What became of it? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE The item I was most attached to as a child was my mother’s album collection. I spent hours listening to her music. It was my mother’s love for music that shaped mine. The Madre turned me on … Continue reading Living Room Vinyl

Questions Like These…

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Questions like these make me roll my eyes and shake my head. It seems like the next thing they will be asking is, “What does it all mean?” What’s my place in the world?” And more nonsense questions. I have this attitude because it is the decisions we make that cause us … Continue reading Questions Like These…

Perception is our Reality

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a writer of a certain age, I spend time thinking about the past for several reasons. Sometimes, things that happened in the past make interesting ideas that may form a basis for a story. Other times they may lend an expected scene. Typically, I use the past in the following areas … Continue reading Perception is our Reality

The Most Intimate Gift

DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I’ve been fortunate to have received some amazing gifts throughout my life. However, that depends on how the word “gift” is defined. Most of the time, when talking to others, I find gifts to be defined as something tangible. Something one can display on a desk or show someone. I would define … Continue reading The Most Intimate Gift

America’s Favorite Pastime

If you started a sports team, what would the colors and mascot be? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a child, I remember watching baseball on television with my mother. I didn’t understand what I was watching, but I enjoyed my mother’s excitement as she watched her beloved “Cubbies.” However, the idea of playing the sport never … Continue reading America’s Favorite Pastime

Hidden Agenda

How have your political views changed over time? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE The short answer is NO. However, as I have gotten older and gained more experience, I better understand some of the motives. Politics is in almost every aspect of life. I would love to say, “I don’t do politics,” as I have said on … Continue reading Hidden Agenda

The Gypsy

What is your all time favorite automobile? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE In an earlier post, I discussed my dream cars, so in this response, I’ll talk about my favorite vehicle I have owned. I’ve owned several cars over the years. My first pickup truck was a 1969 Ford F-100. She was called ”The Gypsy” and was the … Continue reading The Gypsy


How are you creative? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Although I have been writing and drawing since I was a kid, I never really considered myself to be creative. This isn’t because I wasn’t encouraged or anything like that. It’s partly because I was surrounded by very talented people. I just didn’t consider my work good enough … Continue reading Writing

Good Stroll

What are your favorite physical activities or exercises? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE There is nothing like taking a walk. I would add cigarettes and coffee to the mi, but that would only dimish the benefits. I was poor as a child, we had two ways to get anywhere; walking or riding your bike. In some cases, … Continue reading Good Stroll

A Christmas Story

What cities do you want to visit? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I’ve been pretty fortunate in my life, for the most part. I’ve done a great deal of traveling in my lifetime. I found myself in places I didn’t know existed and places I thought you only read about in travel books that lay on the … Continue reading A Christmas Story

Let George Do It

Have you ever performed on stage or given a speech? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I’ve given speeches and lectures several times during my adulthood. However, I’ve been a victim of stage fright. Yet, I’ve done so many of them you couldn’t tell. However, I’ve only performed on stage once. My stage debut was in a musical … Continue reading Let George Do It


Are you a good judge of character? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I would like to think I’m a decent judge of character overall. However, there have been occasions over the years where I have been hoodwinked. I’m sure most you may have experienced this phenomenon and probably don’t like it anymore than I do. Because of … Continue reading Hoodwinked

Real American Heroes

What’s your favorite cartoon? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I watched so many cartoons as a child I can’t remember them all. Of course, the classics like Scrooby-Do and Bugs Bunny. However, there was one cartoon that appeared later. GI-Joe ended up being my jam. It might have sparked from having the action figure GI Joe with … Continue reading Real American Heroes

Home on the Range

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE This isn’t a hard question for me. I would love to live somewhere in the woods. As long as I had wifi. The first places that come to mind are Montana & Wyoming. I spent time in both of these … Continue reading Home on the Range

Park & Rec

What is your favorite place to go in your city? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE As a child, I developed a fondness for spending time in the parks. I would ride my bike to the different parks in my hometown. Each time I relocate, I drive around the new location to find the parks in the area. … Continue reading Park & Rec

Enough Said …

What’s your favorite month of the year? Why? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I had to think a moment before answering this prompt. There are several months of the year that hold a special place. November is special because it’s officially sweater season, and my sweater game is ridiculous. Early April is nice. It’s the beginning of … Continue reading Enough Said …

Crime Noir

What book are you reading right now? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Typically, I read several books at once. However, lately, I’ve slowed down quite a bit. Over the last few months, I’ve been reading one at a time. This month, I’ve been reading crime noir novels. One of the best crime writers in the business is … Continue reading Crime Noir

Who Knows?

What will your life be like in three years? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE If I’ve learned anything as of late, it is life is the uncertainty of life. However, if things go as planned, I will be retired in decent health. Decent health because good health left a few years back. It didn’t even leave a … Continue reading Who Knows?

Kickin’ It Old Skool

How do you manage screen time for yourself? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE The first time I noticed my iPad notifying me about my screen time usage was disturbing. I didn’t know it was a thing until that point. I wondered why it tracked this information and what it would do with it. So, instantly, I pulled … Continue reading Kickin’ It Old Skool

Rhythm of the Night

Who is the most famous or infamous person you have ever met? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE In the late 80’s, I was on my way overseas when I looked up to see a guy who seemed oddly familiar. I knew I didn’t know him, but still he seemed familiar. It turned out to be El Debarge. … Continue reading Rhythm of the Night

Men and their Toys

Name the most expensive personal item you’ve ever purchased (not your home or car). DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE For most things, I’m a tightwad, even described as squeezing a penny so tight you can see the booger in Lincoln’s nose. There’s truth in that statement, with one exception. When it comes to my tech, I Typically … Continue reading Men and their Toys

One Wish

You have three magic genie wishes, what are you asking for? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE Dealing with a Djinn is like bucking the tiger odds. The odds are in favor of the house. This is because we speak in generalities. we are specific about what we want or need. Sometimes, we actually think we know exactly … Continue reading One Wish

Born to be Wild

What’s something most people don’t know about you? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE I had several different responses to this prompt. I actually made very detailed notes on something else. However, I was at my brother’s motorcycle shop. I took several photos of his projects. I can’t disclose any of the works in progress. However, there is … Continue reading Born to be Wild

Bedlam & Mayhem

What major historical events do you remember? DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE The longer you live the more things you remember. There are many historical events that stand out in my mind. It’s hard to choose which ones to talk about. So, I’ve decided to discuss a few that impacted my life. These events made me stop … Continue reading Bedlam & Mayhem

Baby Steps

What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to? PROSE – DAILY PROMPT RESPONSE It’s interesting how something just pops up. As if the universe has something to tell you. “Psst, come here, buddy. I won’t bite.” In such cases, the universe represents that crush you never dared to speak … Continue reading Baby Steps

I’m One Lucky S.O.B.

PROSE – REFLECTION/RANDOM THOUGHTS I never thought I had what it takes to be a father. I felt I wasn’t caring enough. You know, those guys on television and movies make it so easy. They always knew exactly what to say at the proper moment. I’m not those guys. Constantly, I’m saying the wrong things … Continue reading I’m One Lucky S.O.B.

Ain’t That Some Shit.

What do you enjoy most about writing? PROSE – REFLECTIONS I can’t remember why I started this. I can’t see where it was supposed to go. I know there was reason, a pretty good I’m sure. I probably crafted some clever dialogue to explain my actions if someone were to ask. No one did. I … Continue reading Ain’t That Some Shit.