REBLOG: vs What’s the Difference?

14 thoughts on “REBLOG: vs What’s the Difference?”

  1. That’s interesting. To be honest, there’s still a lot about blogging I don’t understand. Call me early Gen X. It can be frustrating. My husband is a techie and he gets frustrated too. Plus I live a very full life in the “sandwich” between aging parents and kids in college … who has that much time?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s interesting! I set my sites up so long ago and I plan to change up the design but haven’t jumped in yet! Also interesting because I just took an HTML class at the library. I know what it is and I’ve dabbled in it a bit, but now understand more how the background of the site works. I read the initial information and will save this to read more about it.

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    All the best and good luck with your blogging !!!

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    Liked by 1 person

  4. Extremely useful guide for people who need to know the difference between the two WordPress platforms. Thank you for sharing!


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