Chinese Immigration Discrimination II: The Geary Act of 1892

2 thoughts on “Chinese Immigration Discrimination II: The Geary Act of 1892”

  1. On September 11, 2001, about 15 minutes after takeoff, American Airlines Flight 11 was highjacked by terrorists who killed one passenger, injured two others, and forced their way into the cockpit. They made the rest of the passengers and crew go to the rear of the plane, where stewardess Betty Ann Ong, an American of Chinese descent, was the first person to contact air authorities using the plane’s radiophone and telephone card. She told authorities on the ground that two stewardesses and a passenger had been stabbed, that no one could get into the cockpit, and informed the authorities of the seat locations of three of the highjackers, then stayed on the phone until the plane was crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. For this Betty Ann was named a hero by the 9/11 Commission.

    Next time we’re tempted to judge a person by their appearance or ethnicity, we would all do well to realize that heroes come in many shapes and sizes, and we’re all human beings underneath.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow, I’ve never heard of this brave lady. However, this is type of heroism are the legend I heard about as a child. The type of legend I may have tried to aspire to be. Thank you for sharing her story.


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