6 thoughts on “REBLOG: Truth”

  1. Thoughtful! As a women I will say that he is wrong that people do care and they do want to know if you are actually okay but you just need to find the right person, whether it be friends, family or a partner. Some strangers as well.

    A lot of people may seem heartless but many are not.

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    1. I agree in the sense that people do actually care. However, I labeled the post Truth; because I felt his opinion was am accurate dep[iction of the feelings of many men in the regards of sharing their feelings to others. Thank you for very much on your thoughtful commentary. It is appreciated.

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      1. Thank you for replying! but yes I was replying to the statement, that I do think what he said was wrong since you just need to find the right person but I wasn’t saying I don’t think many men think this, if that makes sense, just wanted to clear that up

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  2. We have 6 male employees (carpenters) and when I see them, which is not every day. I ask how they are and how their day was. I stop what I’m doing to listen to them if they want to share. I worry about two of them so make it a point to listen hard and ask questions and offer my support however I can.

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